Monday, July 30, 2012

Blue & Yellow

Blue and Yellow Squared
(Peaches and Blueberries)
8" x 8"
Colored Pencil on Pastelbord

I was asked to do one that is blue and yellow, which sounds easier than it is. There are just not that many foods available that are blue. There is also the problem that I want all these pieces to actually taste good together - so I wouldn't for instance put together blueberries and squash. Anyway I came up with peaches, bananas, and blueberries and they did taste good together. We even went to the blueberry farm Monadnock Berries and picked the blueberries fresh. mmmmmmm

Friday, July 27, 2012

Watermelon Squared

Watermelon Squared 
8" x 8" 
$200 original

My family and I just got back from a cruise to the Bahamas - not to be confused with the Colored Pencil On the High Seas cruise next sprint. This was strictly a family vacation and did not include colored pencil fun! We actually took the kids on a cruise though because we had so much fun on our first cruises that I did with Ann Kullberg. Its such an easy and fun way to vacation.

Anyway - we had a blast, but I hope you like my newest drawing Watermelon Squared! 

Friday, July 13, 2012


I was looking through images on Pinterest and came across this woman's Airstream Art Studio. She had her husband refurbish an old Airstream into a workable art studio. I searched more on the internet and also found this great dress shop in Portland Oregon, yes, out of a camper trailer.

I have to say I got a little obsessed, started a board on Pinterest for camper trailers, and talked about it with everyone. To my amazement when I was at work and again telling everyone about this great trailer idea., one of my coworkers said she had a camper that she might be able to sell! She offered it to me for dirt cheap so I could not say no (really honey).

It obviously is not an Airstream and since it is not that large I think an art studio is out... so I have a new idea of what to do with it inspired by the dress shop camper. My idea is to do it up like a vintage 50's, 60's camper (this one is from the 80's but is not too different) in a nice turquoise and white striped design and use it as a little art gallery. I know crazy right? But think about taking it to maybe a farmer's market with a little canopy on the front and selling my little 8x8 prints? Perfect right?

Even better if I can inspire some other artists and craftsmen to do the same, we could rent a lot to keep them on  and sell from the campers in the warmer months, or drive them to other areas and have our own art shows. If you want in - get a camper and let me know. 

For now I am busy making more 8x8's and getting this thing cutified. I am scraping the undercarriage and using some rustoleum over the rust on the bottom  right now. Booo. & am trying to figure out how to paint it. I am really liking something in turquoise with red or yellow accents like these I found online. I have some paint chips next to my door above that you can see I am testing before getting out a sprayer!
 1955 aljoa. Nice color combo. Vintage Camper

The inside of my trailer has already been gutted (dead mice removed) and thin wood paneling put up. I want to fix some of the paneling that is coming popping out, paint it out again, make some curtains and maybe put up some picture rails to hold artwork. The kids right now are using it for sleepovers while I am working on the outside. I even slept out in it one night with my daughter.  We just popped a couple of mattresses in there now but I am looking into some foldout futon chairs/small couches. You can see the ones I pinned on Pinterest.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Print Shop

I hope you all have been enjoying my 8" x 8" square artwork. I am selling all the originals for $200 but I also wanted to start doing prints of them. My vision includes an art tent next year with a smorgishboard of food art prints for sale where people can mix and match them for their kitchens. Since I know my blog followers can not come to New England for my open studios and art fairs, I put the prints on Etsy. They are prints on canvas that are uv protected and varnished. They are offered just as a print ready to be framed for $25 (they can not be wrapped because of a narrow border) or framed in a simple clean frame for $50.

Here's a sampling of them shown in their frames. Go ahead and click to enlarge. See them here in my Etsy shop!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tropical Squared

Tropical Squared
8" x 8" Colored Pencil on Board

All my little Squared pieces are $200 each framed in a little black or white frame. I am in the process of getting prints on canvas ready of them that will be available soon on Etsy. I just have to decide if I should wait until after vacation or not! We leave next week for a cruise to the Bahamas... 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Cruise Workshop Spring 2013

A bunch of you have been asking how I can get my colored pencil pieces done so "darn" fast. Well if you want to know - I have the most amazing opportunity! In March 2013 I will be teaching on Ann Kullberg's Jamaican Colored Pencil on the High Seas Cruise along with Ann and Amy Lindenberger!

I've done 2 cruise workshops with Ann -  and we had the - THE - best time. Imagine traveling on the high seas with your colored pencils in hand and a whole slew of colored pencil nerds at your side. We have workshops on the "at sea" days and get to visit the ports when at port - a whole 8
days of colored pencil cruising bliss!

Visit Ann's site to sign up!

Cherries Squared

Assorted Cherries Squared
8" x 8"
Colored Pencil on Tan Pastelbord

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mexican Squared

Mexican Squared
8" x 8" Colored Pencil on Pastelbord
$200 email if interested

Mmmm, my favorite kind of food. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Squash Squared

Squash Squared
8" x 8"
Colored Pencil on Pastelbord