Prints are Ready!
I got the proofs back and am really pleased with them!
I set up prints of Culinary Color Wheel at Imagekind where you can purchase the image in a variety of formats and sizes.
I recommend having it printed in matte at 30" x 24" - which is actual size. At actual size the fruits and vegetables will be just slightly bigger than life-size.
DO NOT GO OVER 30" X 24"! I can't figure out how to block larger sizes but if you get it larger than the original size, the grains of the paper/pencil will really show and the overall print not look as good. So I really recommend getting it at 30" x 24" with your choice of paper or canvas. Although I only proofed it on matte paper.
I am offering a discount of $15 for my blog followers right now! To receive the discounted price you must follow this link.
Any teachers out there looking for it for their classroom - contact me for a teacher price! nicolecaulfield@gmail.com
Hi Nicole I've been reading your blog and just subscribed. I LOVE this piece! Partly because I am a Registered Dietitian/artist, and mostly because it is just lovely! Have ordered a print for my office, as I do often tell my patients to "eat the rainbow". Your mealpod site is great too! Keep up your wonderful work.....
Thanks so much Denise! That was just the comment I needed today. Enjoy the print!
If you ever want to share a good recipe or advice for Mealpod - let me know!!!!
Hi Nicole, just found your lovely work. Really love the detail and concept of this one. As a botanical artist I find vegetables fascinating. So much texture and colour. You have got all this just right.
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