Please forgive the distortions on the box. I photographed it without flatteniong the paper which was curved, plus the usual photo distortion.
This is how I plan on framing it - with all that black surrounding it to create the feeling that the box is floating in the frame.
OK & some news!
Maggie Stiefvater, amzing author, artist, and a friend of mine, featured my artwork on her blog today. She really makes it look good and it was such an honor to be one of the artists she looks up to when she is so darn good herself. What I can't wait for from Maggie though is the novels she's written that will be published soon. Here's her art blog: http://www.greywarenart.blogspot.com/ Take a look at her writing sites that are linked in her right hand column - you won't be disappointed!
& on the local scene:
- Art Walk will be running through the week in downtown Keene. My work can be seen at Moe's, the window at the Theater (with Artworks faculty), and further down at the Monadnock Fine Art Gallery. Wednesday is the day school kids will be ciming through from 9-2 and all of us artists will be out painting and drawing for the little spectators in front of our windows. I will be out front of Moe's.
- The group retro show at Terra Perma is still going throughout the month in Laconia, NH.
- Starting June 20th I will be one of the featured artists along with local legend Mary Iselin at the Monadnock Fine Art Gallery in downtown Keene, NH.
- & if you are out near Rhode Island or Portsmouth NH be sure to visit my work at Gallery 297 in Bristol RI, and Vaughan Gallery in Portsouth, NH.
Just gorgeous!
Thanks Bob!!!!!
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