I brought this portrait home for the weekend to live with it in different light. I used to do that all the time - tack up my pictures and just get to live with them in all kinds of light or angles. Since my studio has been away from home, its something I rarely get to do now.
I found that indeed the picture was too red when there was a direct light source - be it natural or lamp light. When the light was very like the light in my studio (indirect sunlight mixed withoverhead flourescents) the reds were not too intense. Weird.
Anyway I resorted to washing a layer of raw umber (a very green light brown color) to knock back the reds. & here it is after that straight off the camera with no adjustments. I can't wait to put that last bit of hair at the top of her head, but I have classes all day today so I won't get to it until tomorrow.
For fans of all things colored pencil - the CPSA Explore This show is now displayed on the web. http://www.cpsa.org/EXHIBITION/EXPLORE.THIS/Explore5/Expl5PShop-Revised/index.htm#7
The Explore This Show is a show the CPSA puts on every year for work that is colored pencil + mixed media. This is the first year it is just an online show and that they are not allowing pure colored pencil works in. They also have made a signature status just for the mixed media show which I think is a fabulous idea. I don't work in mixed media - but I know so many colored pencil artists that always add a little somethin' else in their work, so I'm glad that they can now get the recognition they deserve.
You cannot even begin to realize how much I appreciate you posting the progress and corrections you're going through. I learn so much from you and the images you choose to share with us. Thank you!
Absolutely stunning work, goes beyond portraiture into art. This pose reminds me so much of Georges de la Tour's portrait of Mary Magdalene
I'm glad you find it helpful Sheila!!!!
Hi Luann! Thank you! I have always been a fan of that painting!
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