$50 off our 8-CD Combo Set!
25% off Kits
25% off Portrait Tools
Even her online Colored Pencil Magazine is on sale!
25% off Kits
25% off Portrait Tools
Even her online Colored Pencil Magazine is on sale!
If you've been thinking about getting one of my colored pencil kits there - well now's the time to do it!
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF THE SALE! So get there fast. She does take paypal.

& the verdict on UART 500 - its not nearly as good for me as Fisher 400. The pencil keeps falling off. I don't don't know how many times I had to redo something I had done. Plus when I woke this morning there was a pile of pencil dust sitting on the ledge under the drawing. I will try another grit of the UART paper to see if I like it better and I will use it again just because it is easy to get and comes in big sheets.
I really liked your colored pencil portraits! They seem to catch the soul of the subject very well...
A quick technical question: I know you have used the ampersand pastel board a lot for your colored pencil paintings. How do you like it comparing to the Fisher 400 paper? Thanks!
Hi Elfling. Thanks! Well they are completely different animals. On the pastelbord you really never get rid of the grainy look whereas with Fisher 400 you can very easily and without burnishing.
BUT you can varnish over the pencil on pastelbord and frame without glass whereas you can't do that with Fisher.
Hi! I'm so glad Michelle Burnett asked for her readers to visit and admire your Obama portrait on her blog. I've become an instant fan!
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