Summer is over and the kids are in school. My youngest went to all day kindergarten yesterday for the first day and I am slowly getting over it!
New, news, news. I now have a new studio space right off of Main St in downtown Keene, 17 Roxbury St #7 to be exact. I know I just got a space in my home, but the kids are out of the house and the opportunity to share the space with someone came up and I snatched up the chance. I am hoping this new space will really get me working well this year!
I have a new piece to share, but need to photograph it. If you can't wait to see it, come see me this weekend at Art in the Park in Keene, NH. The fair runs both Saturday and Sunday.
You can tease us if you like - but this blog needs more photos of your studio - ;)
thats awesome! congrats! and I am happy you are back posting on your blog..I have been so bored lately with nothing to look at...
haha - will do Katherine. At the moment it just looks very white with my stuff packed up for the art fair tommorrow.
anonymous - thanks! we wouldn't want you bored!
Glad you are back, Nicole. I kept checking, and I missed seeing your work. Hey, have fun in your quiet house.
My youngest just started Kindergarten, too. Her brother is starting 1st Grade.
Alas, because my wife is beginning a start-up, our time is limited to that endeavor. And, let's see...about a hundred other major stressors at once!
I sympathize with your feelings. How did you accomplish so much art over these past @5 years or so? You are Superwoman, IMO.
I support you and am more than thrilled for you in your new space. Wow! I have a pipe dream of buying a small house adjacent to the elementary school as a studio space/drop in at lunch and after school space.
Welcome back Nichole. I am sorry I missed the Art in the Park. I hope it went well.
Looking forward to the classes this fall. Yes I did write classes I am taking two. Not fair is it?
“Nichole Summer Blogging”
Nichole Disappeared
Mist are the beautiful posts
What creations now?
Hi Deb!
OMGosh Casey what a lot of stress! Thanks so much for the nice things you said!
Hi Michael!! See you next week!!!
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