for the news - I submitted 'Zen" to the National Portrait Society of America's 2008 Members Showcase Competition and won 3rd Place in the Children's Portrait Category!!!! The winners will be posted on their site soon, but they aren't up there yet. I really really can't believe it! I took the certificate I got in the mail and hung it on the fridge next to the kids' spelling tests. :)
Update finally! I had to take the photo after dark, so unfortunately its with a flash.. and not really accurate. For a progress report it works though.

This portrait is really an experiment in dramatic lighting. The more I put in the more the dramatic lights I hope will make sense.
One thing you can't get from a photo on the web is scale. This is the first time I'm doing something so much larger than life-size. It really complicates things! I usually work flat on a table, and with the scale of this I'm having to tack it up on the wall more often to make sure I'm on track.
Nicole, you are amazing!!! Congratulations! It is great to feel as though I am part of your little world here...You have been a great inspriation...and wonder mentor here on your blog...
Again, Congratulations! Well deserved hard work!
Pam Ferris
Many congratulations Nicole - that portrait just keeps on winning prizes!
I love the comment about what you did with the certificate!
Thank you Pam!!!!
Thanks Katherine! Ooh I should take a picture of it on the fridge!
Just wondering after all the success you are having with thsi CP are you still thinking/interested in using the pastel/pencils?
guess you are having another snow storm today. Our daughter says in Bedford they are considering sending the kids to school on Saturdays for 5 wks...just to make up for the power outage...pooor kids won't get out of school until
Wishing you congratulations is beginning to become redundant - NOT - Congratulations once again!!! 'Zen' is truly a success. I think you've taken the traditional portrait to a more meaningful level. There's more to it than just a face. Love the pose on 'Shannon'.
I know the honor is completely yours, but I can't help feeling that you're making the art world a better place for all us cp addicts. Congratulations, Nicole.
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