I don't usually post food on here... but since I spent HOURS making these for my daughter's class Valentine's Day party tomorrow, I thought they deserved to be posted. They are chocolate ganache brownie sandwiches, obviously shaped like hearts and with some frosting in between the sandwiched brownies & no there are no extras!
Below is the drawing I worked on after Shannon. Its 6 x 18" on green pastelbord - a color I don't usually use, but my friend Gary Ruuska said it was his favorite color, so I gave it a go. It was great really - much better than the grey and without the speckle problems with the tan.
Just a couple adjustments to go, then varnish, frame and delivery tomorrow!

Nicole, there are going to be some lucky folks during this valentines party...Those looks so good! I don't go there anymore...lost about 140 lbs in 2001 ...fortunly I am not a real sweet eater.
Sharon is lovely! I continue to be amazed at the work you do!
Really like the wine painting...I have been trying to decide if I want to use the gray...bought your cup/grapes and really liked working on the board! I may give the green a go now!
What pencils are you using in this painting? Doyou think you will be doing any more pastels...I love the pastels jsut not the mess...I have the pencils as well...been thinking about pan pastels..
Thanks for posting, Pam
Hey, Nicole, glad you tried the green board. I've found that it works well in most situations. Gray isn't bad, but I have a few pieces of tan in my studio that are gathering dust. The wine looks great and the chocolate looks yummy.
Those brownies look so incredible, Nicole, that I keep logging in to look at them on the Pencil Pushers page. Man I want one!
I also think you should consider submitting your self-portrait to the CPSA national show. It's so whimsical, different and good!
Okay, I'm not going to gross you out by saying I was licking the screen after viewing those lucious brownies or anything....
I'm just going to say that is an awesome "drawing" on pastelbord. Pastel right? It is gorgeous! I also will have to grab some green and try it. hugs and Happy Valentines day!
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