OMYGOSH! Yes it IS finally finished. & I think this is actually an accurate photograph! I've been working from home lately and my laptop settings have so little contrast that I didn't realize HOW different the image looked on that computer. I finally used my printer to help me get a more accurate .jpg. Now that I'm in the studio on that computer - I didn't realize what the other .jpgs looked like.
So this one prints out ok (never perfect) and looks good on this monitor - so I think it is pretty accurate. & finished!!!!!
I'd love some feedback on this one because I am thinking of entering it in CPSA this year along with Becca. The CPSA International show is the one show I really want to make it in each year and sadly I didn't get in the past 2 years. So I really really want to make it in this year! If Shannon is not a good enough entry I can still choose from any of my portraits as I have done them in the last year or so... so ifyou have time, I'd love to hear which 2 you think I should enter. I can't enter Zen as its too big OR Obama because I didn't only use colored pencil - so it has to be another two.
Also this is the photograph I will be entering (if I choose it) so it will be what the judge looks at - excpet a bigger .jpg with black bars and the sides to make a square.
Thanks for the input!
Shannon is gorgeous, Nicole. She's well lit, composition-wise she's perfectly balanced yet not ordinary and has illuminating pops of color peppered throughout her skin. The blue in the background was a nice touch to enhance the warmth of her skin tone too. She will get in...guaranteed.
I love the lighting and the composition - it's unusual for a portrait and sets a very pensive mood, putting her eyes right at the golden section I notice! Each of your portraits glow with light in the way that Vermeer's paintings do.
I love Shannon, especially now that I see her in a color-balanced photo. Hopefully the jury will too and the work you put in to Shannon and into getting a good photo of the piece will pay off. Good luck!
Shannon is wonderful and full of life and light. I think it is great for your entry and a winner.
I like your self portrait with still life, unusual and so well done. :)
Let me tell you, that I love all your portraits and choosing just one is a very difficult job, but I would choose "Shannon".This portrait has a very powerful feeling about it, it pulls the viewer inside the painting and one cannot help thinking why is she so sad and it makes you curious what kind of story is behind that and it makes you sympathize with in her feelings .This is a portrait, i would stare at for ages and every time I `d find something new. I am sure it not only will get into the contest, but it will win it . Good luck to you !I`ll hold my fingers crossed for you.
I had not thought about it, perhaps as I am so used to seeing it. Jo Castillo’s comment caused me to consider the self portrait. I think that to would be an excellent choice to submit to this show as would any of your work.
Hi Nicole. My votes go to Shannon and I also love the self portrait. Shannon evokes a lot of emotion and your self portrait is very unique, making the viewer take a second look.
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