Monday, September 26, 2011

Fall Foliage Art Studio Tour Coming Up!

Last week I had a couple of days to work on my art/book and I'll see if I can come up with another sneak peak to share. This week I am substitute teaching again so this is my only art day to work. 

I do want to share with you all an upcoming tour I am am on: the Fall Foliage Art Studio Tour on Columbus Day weekend. This Sunday there will be a preview at Bagel Works in Keene from 7-8:30 where you can see one piece from all the artists on the tour, pick up a map, and mark where you would like to visit the following weekend. 

I won't be opening my studio for the tour - instead I will be at the studio of my friend Luann Udell - just like last year. Since I moved my studio from downtown and work in the back of the living room, I don't think anyone wants to stand on the treadmill to see my little work space. Luann has been kind enough to have me at her studio again which is great because her work and her space is so much fun. 

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